15 Days Left on Haunted Star Studio's Kickstarter!
over 7 years ago
– Fri, Sep 08, 2017 at 12:40:49 PM
Hey Creepy Kawaii backers! We are almost to the end, only 15 days left on Haunted Star Studio's Yokai Plush Kickstarter! We are still about $1,800 away from unlocking Kitsune, as we lost some Yurei Neko supporters when we announced we would be moving Kappa to our second stretch goal, but the response to Kappa's prototype has been very good! We hope you will consider helping us out in our time of need, you can back our project today to help us reach our stretch goals, and you will not be charged until the campaign ends on Sept 23rd! Sharing help us a bunch, too! http://kck.st/2wETfvr
P.S. Regarding Yurei Neko, I'm going to be sending her to a new factory, in which she will get a bit of a design overhaul by doing so. When she is ready I will launch a 7 day Kickstarter to get her funded! Stay tuned!
Haunted Star Studio / Creepy Kawaii's Yokai Plush Kickstarter is Live!
over 7 years ago
– Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 08:45:59 PM
Haunted Star Studio / Creepy Kawaii's Yokai Plush Kickstarter is now live! Our collaborative campaign runs until Sept 23rd, but we do have discounted tiers available for early backers! The campaign unlocks fully at only $2,200! Check it out at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/creepykawaii/kitsune-and-friends-a-yokai-plush-kickstarter !
New Kickstarter
over 7 years ago
– Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 10:20:36 AM
I hope you all are enjoying your rewards and loving your plush!
I wanted to let you all know that over the last few months my partner and I have both been working very hard on getting our new side project, Haunted Star Studio, off the ground and we are lauching our first Kickstarter for it tomorrow. We will be featuring Yokai plush designs, and my Yurei Neko doll (the one that didn't get funded in this campaign) will be our second stretch goal. If you wanted Yurei Neko, or would like to support our new side project I will be sending out a link tomorrow upon launch! We hope you will check it out, and if all goes well we have lots in store for the future!
over 7 years ago
– Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 10:14:58 AM
As of today all Kickstarter rewards except a small few containing Kimchi Kawaii reorder charms have been packed and shipped out!
Again, I apologize for any delays I had during this process, but unfortunately that is a part of the plush producing process.
For those of you that are interested, my girlfriend and I will be doing our Yokai Plush Kickstarter in the late summer (which includes Yurei Neko), and Edgehog will be a quick-fund Kickstarter (7 days) as soon as we get his prototype finished! Be sure to Like www.facebook.com/creepykawaii as well as www.facebook.com/hauntedstarstudio for updates on both!
over 7 years ago
– Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 11:09:15 PM
Well, this is an incredibly strange story, but guess who arrived at my place today?!
Apparently the factory had some that they had set aside for me in May for Animazement, but they didn't ship all the boxes they set aside. They found them in the factory a few days ago and airmailed the to me since I has going to have to wait weeks more to get my overseas shipment.
So now I have enough Vincents to send to all remaining backers, pre-order people, AND he is ready for regular orders!!!