
Creepy Kawaii 2017 Plush Pre-Order

Created by Creepy Kawaii

Cerin the Spirit Catcher Cerin is a supernatural being that chose to live out his immortal life in the form of a black cat. Each night he visits people in the dead of night and presents them with a gift... a dead mouse. Little do we know though that the “gift” is actually an evil spirit that Cerin caught and manifested into the form of a dead mouse to give to the human to show them that he saved them from harm. Whether the human he visits accepts the “gift” or not is beyond his concern. He will present the mouse regardless of the human's appreciation towards him, then will disappear into the darkness, looking for the next human to save... For those that decide keep Cerin's “gift”, good luck will come and evil will be held at bay... Vincent the Skeleton Ever hear of the term “skeletons in the closet”? Well Vincent is actually that skeleton, but he doesn't exactly live in your closet. When Vincent finds out that humans are having bad dreams, he visits them through their closet and chases the bogeymen away that haunt them in their sleep! Once the bogeymen are chased away and all is clear, he carefully tucks the humans back into bed, soothing them into a blissful slumber.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Only 24 hours left, Lucky Squid Studio's charm is now unlocked!
almost 8 years ago – Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 03:28:04 PM

This is it, only 24 hours left on my Creepy Kawaii Kickstarter! Cerin has been fully funded, can Vincent make it? You can help by sharing this page on your social media platforms!!

 Also, Lucky Squid Studio's charm has been unlocked and will now be available to pledge towards/select for the add-on shop!

Vincent is now available!
almost 8 years ago – Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 03:24:59 PM

 VINCENT IS NOW AVAILABLE AS AN UNLOCKED PLUSH! Since we are so close to funding Vincent I decided to unlock him early (I'm going to use what I made at Magfest to push him into funding)! Vincent will now be a selectable plush in backer rewards labeled "Any Unlocked Plush"! Only 2 hours left!

Thank you!!!!
almost 8 years ago – Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 03:24:56 PM

 $9,463 pledged, 126% funded, 194 backers! Thank you everyone so much for supporting, backing, sharing, and putting up with all my statuses on social media over the last month! 

And I ESPECIALLY want to thank everyone for backing my Kickstarter when I didn't have a finished prototype in my hands.  It's a long story why I didn't, but the short of it is my prototypes were almost finished when I started my Kickstarter, and the designer that was working on my last edits got very ill mid production. They factory ended up sending my designs to another factory, and we basically had to start over mid Kickstarter. Some of the prototypes I got back in the beginning were not up to par, but the factory worked diligently on getting them back to where they should be.  We are back on track now, and I should be getting the final prototypes any day to approve for production.

I am now going to start working on getting my add-on shop together, and will start to talk to the factory about solid timelines for production and delivery! As I said earlier, I decided to take the money I made at Magfest and put it towards unlocking Vincent.  He will be included in the add-on shop.

Thank you once again for believing in me!

Add-On Shop
almost 8 years ago – Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 08:10:10 AM


almost 8 years ago – Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 06:09:27 AM

 Whoops, meant to include that the first dangle charm has been unlocked!